Students switch to pricy thermoses

By Sean Kelly, Staff Writer

Students have long been carrying drinks around the halls of Penn-Trafford, but this year many switched from the water bottle to heavy duty thermoses/tumblers.

In a poll taken of 50 students, 20 said that they now use thermos/tumbler.

Some of the popular brands of thermoses that students are using are Yeti, S’well and Engel. All of these brands are significantly more expensive than a typical water bottle or coffee mug that has traditionally been used. So why make the switch?

Junior Tyler Brinko uses a Yeti tumbler and he said, “It keeps my drink a lot colder or warmer throughout the day and that it will be the same temperature in the afternoon.”

Brinko even said that he loves his Yeti so much he would “never be able to go back to a normal mug.”

According to Eric Lemke of, the Yeti can keep ice, and therefore keep your drink cold, for well over 12 hours.

Even those who don’t use a pricy thermos do know about the hype. Junior Max Lauffer said, “The thought of being able to keep my drink cold all day is unbelievable. “

The Yeti, S’well, and Engel all cost $40 or more for a 30-ounce Tumbler (25-ounce for S’well). Despite the steep prices, Lauffer said he still plans to buy one.

Junior Tony Alcott said, “The tumbler is well worth the money.” Alcott added that he would definitely recommend a tumbler to a friend or anyone who likes a cold/hot drink.

It’s no question why so many P-T students have decided to go with a thermos instead of a regular mug. They keep their users satisfied and the drink how they want it.



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