High school offers overall enjoyment

Brendan Kelly, Keri Courtnage, Emma Bender, Rachel Casper and Jacob Vierheller, Staff Writers

High School is often regarded as the best years of our lives by those older than us. There are many things to look forward to in your four years of high school.

Seniors Micah France and Riley McNally converse in the media center

So why is that so many of us can not wait to graduate?      The Warrior took to PTHS to find out how students feel about their high school experience. Students were given various questions to gauge how they felt towards personal experience.

Surprisingly, most students said they genuinely enjoy high school as a whole. (More than three-fourths of all students surveyed answer yes to “Have you enjoyed high school?”

Most students said they enjoy the social aspect that high school offers. Many of responses included something to do either playing or attending sporting events. Along with that, a lot of students said they also enjoyed the day-to-day social aspects such as being able to have classes with friends and study halls.

For instance, junior Morgan Llewellyn said, “The best part of high school is all of the memories I have made with my friends, and I can’t wait to continue making more my senior year.”

Along with the social enjoyment that school can offer there comes the downfall of hard classes, drama or construction in the building.

A large amount of interviewees stated that drama or “all of the snakes” has been their least favorite part of high school. Things like this, along with other things, can create stress on the students and take away from the enjoyment of high school.

“I feel like too much can be expected of us,” said junior Airiann Page. “ We have to wake up early, learn at school all day, then do tons of homework when we get home. On top of that, we have to be sure to do after school activities, maintain a social life, and not forgetting to get plenty of sleep.”

Penn-Trafford High School has offered some unique things for students to dislike. The lunches during construction were a complaint that saw some major time in the spotlight. Construction itself for the previous few years certainly displeased some students throughout its duration. As a result, driving regulations were also were also an irritant for students.

Certain teachers and workloads given in the classroom have been stressors for students of all grade levels.

Sophomore Mike Elias shared his opinions on life as a high schooler.

“I feel a lot more comfortable now than in previous years,” he said. “I feel like sometimes (students) are a little harsh on rules. They’re there for reason, but they’re ridiculous.”

Elias later added, “I’m not digging the library rules at all.”

Senior Matt Simkovic said he has not enjoyed his time at P-T, likening it to being a prison at times.

“Senior year has been my favorite,” he explained.

     This reflects the mood of most seniors, as about 97 percent of all 12th graders interviewed chose college and graduation as things they are most looking forward to.

Students who are worried about their grades may be able to relate with junior Lucas Freilino, who said, “This year has been my favorite because my grades don’t stink.” Freilino has a more optimistic outlook on his life as a P-T student, stating, “Yeah, PTHS is pretty decent. A lot of people think it is garbage but if you look around at other schools, it is actually pretty good. People just need to grow up.”

Overall, more students seem to agree with Freilino, as 79.1 percent of the 237 students interviewed at the time of printing said they have enjoyed their high school experience. These students mainly brought up their friends, freedom and sports as things that have made their high school experience better.

Most students in the additional 20.9 percent who do not enjoy high school mainly brought up the stress that school imparts on them, the early wake up times, and the workload of classes. These factors can greatly impact a student’s outlook on going to school, especially if they are taking one or more of the most difficult classes the school has to offer.

These difficult classes, as established by students, are mainly math and science based with AP Physics C, College Calculus, and Honors Chemistry 1 respectively topping the lists with AP US History coming in close fourth.

Through inquiring into students thoughts and opinions about their high-school experience, it is clear that many students have enjoyed their learning experiences thus far at P-T.

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