Opinion: Student journalism brings myriad benefits to students

If you are reading this article right now, that likely means you have purchased a subscription to the Warrior. Hopefully, you are at least slightly interested in the idea of student journalism. 

Student journalism is much more important than many may think. 

Student journalism not only builds important skills for the student writers but also improves the culture of the community itself. 

PTHS’s journalism class teaches many useful skills. These are useful for everyone, even those who do not want to be journalists later in life. 

Skills such as seeking credible sources, conducting interviews and using software programs such as Adobe InDesign are handy for many careers beyond journalism. Following proper ethical guidelines and procedures in a valuable experience for all students. Graduates of the Warrior have gone on to fields including law and medicine as well as communication. 

Journalism class also enhances students’ writing skills, focusing on active voice, concise presentation, and how to follow Associated Press style. Many publications across the United States use this style.

English teacher Jason Wawrzeniak enjoys the latest issue of the Warrior

Additionally, PTTV’s broadcast journalism teaches students a different, but still helpful set of skills. 

Not only do students learn how to use broadcasting equipment, but they also learn how to edit videos, present themselves in front of a camera and conduct video interviews.

Both journalistic mediums keep students in the know about both their school and their community.

This gives students the opportunity to get involved in ways they may have otherwise not known about. 

They can have fun participating in events, help out by volunteering, find job opportunities, be informed about local issues and much more.

Without student journalism, students would not be as informed about the world around them. 

Before you graduate and move on from PTHS, consider taking part in the Warrior, PTTV or both. Both bring with them many benefits and opportunities to express yourself.

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